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L-DOPA-induced Dyskinesia (LID) are motor side-effects affecting PD patients chronically-treated with this dopamine replacement drug. Since LID are associated with aberrant Gamma cortical synchrony (GammaPark), efficacy of compounds on LID can be assessed with this...

BetaPark – Translational EEG Biomarker

BetaPark is a translational EEG biomarker recorded in the motor cortex of both PD patients and animal models of prodromal and late-onset PD. Suppressed by dopaminergic drugs, BetaPark is used to quantify the efficacy of...

ASSR – Auditory Steady-State Response

Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR) is a translational EEG biomarker of the brain’s ability to process sensory information. 40Hz ASSR responses are specifically lowered in patients and rodent models of schizophrenia, making it relevant to evaluate...

HPD – Hippocampal Paroxysmal Discharges

Mesio-temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) represents one of the most common forms of focal epilepsies. Generally resistant to most pharmacological treatments, this type of epilepsy affects about 10% of the total epileptic population.

SWD – Spike-and-Wave Discharges

Patients with Absence Epilepsy show generalized, non-convulsive seizures & typical Spike-and-Wave Discharges. The GAERS model displays spontaneous SWD and recapitulates most human disease features, making it clinically-relevant to evaluate new drugs for Absence Epilepsy.

PAC – Phase Amplitude Coupling 

Phase-amplitude coupling can help study the interactions between neuronal oscillations. It describes a phenomenon whereby the amplitude of higher frequency activity is modulated by the phase of lower frequency activity, providing relevant information on Brain...